The Spiritual Perspective On Love Affairs!
There are many negative behaviors that our spirit guides include in their teaching when they try to help us become a better and more decent human being! However, from my experience channeling many spirit guides over the years, love affairs appear to be a behavior that our guides are having a difficult time tolerating and therefore their teaching against them is very strict!
Spirits claim that making a clear choice to engage in a love affair with
another person behind their spouse’s/partner’s back, is the ultimate
unfairness! Unfairness, which is considered a negative behavior, then
activates the law of karma that will have to be balanced in one way or
another, and at one time or another, as all karmic debts ought to be!
Although an unfair behavior toward others in general accumulates
negative energy, love affairs in specific, appear to be more severe, as
it is a betrayal of trust and love!
Spirit’s teachings also explain that the reasons behind deciding to
engage in an affair, can never be used as an excuse, even if the person believes that the reasons are legitimate! Meaning that an affair is NEVER a solution!
So instead of taking the “short cut” and having an affair that will fill
up the hole of your unhappiness, you must always try to fix your
relationship first!
You can communicate why you are unhappy, seek professional help like a therapist, be the hero and change yourself to see if your partner
follow, (which is often the case) or, if you truly feel that all is
hopeless and you are really done, gather the courage to do the right
thing and move on.
The phrase that our spirit guides often use in relation to love affairs
is: “Always make sure you close one door first, before you open a new one!”
Good luck!
I love you all ???
Soul Secrets is mainly about the Team concept but it also covers additional important spiritual topics that will help you view your life from the perspective of your soul and not your mind. This is an important spiritual perspective that will change and improve your life. Hello book lovers! Today is a day where I will be writing another author spotlight for a well-accomplished author whose work I have loved. As you know book lovers I love learning about authors and the inspiration behind their work, it fascinates me and adds to the depth of the book because the reader will be able to better understand it. That is how the author spotlights were created because I soon discovered that you lovely readers ALSO love learning about author s, so I am excited to tell you a little bit more about author Miki Jacobs whose book Soul Secrets transfixed me from beginning to end. I personally would recommend this book to all of those that love being taken on a spiritual journey but really the book can be read by anybody as it is flawlessly written and highly enjoyable. With today’s author spotlight for Miki Jacobs, a biography of the author and an interview between me and Miki Jacobs will be shared, and I hope that you book lovers enjoy reading it! To kick this off here is an author bio about the wonderful Miki Jacobs!