Sacred Wild
The Spiritual World of Animals, Including Pets, and its Interconnectedness with Ours
Sacred Wild is winner of these 5 prestigious awards!
Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner, Readers Favorite Book Awards Winner, International Book Awards Winner, Best Book Awards Winner, and International Impact Book Awards in 2024
Step into the enchanting world of Sacred Wild: The Spiritual World of Animals, Including Pets, and Its Interconnections with Ours and you will immerse yourself in a captivating exploration of the profound and mystical connection that binds humans and animals together.
Embarking on a transformative journey that spans both the spiritual realm of animals and our own human existence, this odyssey guides you through the intricate tapestry of the animal kingdom and illuminates the universal bond we share with these creatures and the profound significance we hold for one another.
In Sacred Wild readers will:
~ Explore the depths of animal consciousness, moving beyond mere instincts to unveil the remarkable souls that inhabit each creature in the animal kingdom.
~ Discover the intricate web of collective consciousness that interlaces the soul groups of both animals and humans, revealing the interconnectedness of all souls to one another and, ultimately, to the Creator.
~ Delve into the mysteries of the cycle of life, gaining a deeper understanding of the incarnations of animals and the purpose they serve in each lifetime. This exploration will draw parallels to our own human existence and the cycles we undergo.
~ Unveil the profound influence of karma on animals and how it differs from ours, appreciating the balance of cause and effect in all lives. Through this exploration, you’ll develop a greater appreciation for the karmic ties that bind both humans and animals, as well as the valuable lessons we can learn from one another.
~ Witness the spiritual journeys of both wild and domesticated animals, revealing the transformative power of their paths. You’ll discover fascinating comparisons between our human experiences and the spiritual journeys undertaken by animals, allowing for a deeper appreciation of our shared connection.
~ Uncover the hidden missions of our beloved pets in our lives through a sacred ‘soul contract’ that binds us to one another. Explore their purpose, which goes beyond mere companionship, as they become our steadfast allies and teachers.
~ Contemplate the challenges and suffering faced by animals in our world and gain insights into how we can address and improve their well-being.
~ Learn about the sacred interplay between animals and the natural world, where Gaia, angels, and nature spirits collaborate as protectors and guardians for each animal.
~ Discover the profound wisdom and healing potential that nature holds for both animals and humans, recognizing the reciprocal relationship we share with the natural world and the utmost importance of honoring and preserving it.
~ Delve into the depths of grief and loss, finding comfort, guidance, and advice for those who have experienced the departure of a beloved pet.
~ Explore the enduring presence of our departed companions in our lives, learning to discern the signs they send from the spirit world.
~ Master the art of spirit communication, including communication with our pets, using the language of the soul. Uncover profound insights into the messages they continue to convey from the afterlife.
In its final chapter, Sacred Wild takes you on a journey to explore The Rainbow Bridge, unveiling the majestic dimension where a joyous reunion awaits us in the afterlife and our beloved pets eagerly anticipate our arrival. This concluding chapter emphasizes one of the book’s central themes: our loved ones are not gone! Their souls transcend the death of their physical body and return to our heavenly home in the spirit world.
Sacred Wild overflows with knowledge and wisdom. It not only addresses common questions about animals but also sheds light on their behavior, emotions, and spirituality. This book will enrich your understanding of the extraordinary world we coexist in.
Signed copies available now!
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Readers Favorite Book Award Winner

Readers Favorite Book Award 5 Stars Review 2024
Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers’ Favorite
In Sacred Wild, Miki Jacobs enlightens readers on why animals are spiritual beings and why they should be loved and treated with respect. Miki shares lessons from her experiences as a medium, spiritual teacher, and Reiki master. We follow her as an animal caregiver and her personal stories involving animals. A chapter examines the amazing process of how animals incarnate and their cycle of life. Another chapter delves into the concept of animal souls and the importance of recognizing their spiritual value. Sacred Wild offers a brilliant exploration of animal suffering, the importance of recognizing signs from our departed pets, and various ways in which our pets can show their presence in our lives. Learn how to treat animals and understand them better in this groundbreaking book about animal spirituality.
The author’s bold statements and candid tone engender confidence in her words and spiritual lessons. I was happy to learn that animals, like humans, are “enveloped by spiritual presences during their transition.” Miki’s abundant personal stories allow readers to gain a deep understanding of the lessons. Prepare to meet an endearing and kind-hearted dwarf Golden Retriever who was both deaf and blind in a section about animals with limitations. Miki has done an incredible job of sharing a highly resourceful and thoroughly crafted book that answers many important questions regarding animals. Sacred Wild is a must-read for readers who love animals and those who have questions about their deceased and/or present pets. Whether it’s advocating against animal exploitation or advising readers against feeding wild animals, the lessons are highly important for achieving a balanced, healthy relationship with animals, both in the wild and our homes.

5.0 out of 5 stars Packed full of life changing info.
Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2023
This book helps connect the dots and bring the bigger picture into focus. We are all connected- every living thing. I was overjoyed to learn that animals do, in fact, have souls, and their existence in our lives and on our planet is intentional, vital and such a blessing!
While I have always ‘loved animals’ and held them in high regard, after poring over the pages of Sacred Wild, I have an even deeper respect and sense of awe for them.
This book is now a staple of my library and one I know I’ll return to time and again to access such sacred wisdom.

5.0 out of 5 stars Made my Heart Happy!
Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2023
So many deep insights and brought awareness to my deep soul connection to my animals. This book is a gift to the Human Race! Highly recommend!!

5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2023
Hard to put down
Just finished Sacred Wild. Author Micki shares her vast knowledge, experience, and enlightened guidance regarding animal spirits both wild and domestic, as well as human and nature. Felt like a reassuring hug, validating the experiences with my beloved human and pets after they departed. Truly enjoyed this beautifully written gem from start to finish. So appreciate Miki for taking the time to share her gifts. My fur baby Clifford doodle appreciates me reading this too!!!
$19.99 + $2.99 Shipping in the U.S.
Paperback: 278 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (Nov 8, 2023)
Language: English
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Signed Copies
Soul Secrets
A Spiritual Guidebook To Your “TEAM” – Angels, Spirit Guides, and Departed Loved Ones
On our harsh world we often feel scattered, confused, fearful, and alone.
But we are not!
At every given moment, of every day, throughout our life, we each have our own “Team” of Angels, Spirits Guides, and departed loved ones. A group of powerful and wise spirits who guide and protect us.
This book teaches you how to communicate with them!
Despite the common belief that in order for us to communicate with our “Team” we need to be “born” a medium, we don’t! Because like myself, you too can awaken your built-in “sixth sense” and use it to communicate with any of your own Team members and use their power and wisdom in your life.
Signed copies still available. Make a note in the paypal comments that you would like your copy signed.
$16.99 + $2.99 Shipping in the U.S.
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (June 3, 2015)
Language: English
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Signed Copies
In “Soul Secrets”, you will learn:
- Each member of your Team and their unique purpose in your life.
- The different signs and other ways in which they communicate with you.
- The necessary spiritual work that will prepare you for communication.
- The various communication techniques.
- How to communicate with them!
Soul Secrets is mainly about the Team concept but it also covers additional important spiritual topics that will help you view your life from the perspective of your soul and not your mind. This is an important spiritual perspective that will change and improve your life.

Soul Secrets, Miki Jacobs
On our harsh world we often feel scattered, confused, fearful, and alone.
But we are not!
At every given moment, of every day, throughout our life, we each have our own “Team” of Angels, Spirits Guides, and departed loved ones. A group of powerful and wise spirits who guide and protect us.
This book teaches you how to communicate with them!
Despite the common belief that in order for us to communicate with our “Team” we need to be “born” a medium, we don’t! Because like myself, you too can awaken your built-in “sixth sense” and use it to communicate with any of your own Team members and use their power and wisdom in your life.
In “Soul Secrets”, you will learn:
*Each member of your Team and their unique purpose in your life.
*The different signs and other ways in which they communicate with you.
*The necessary spiritual work that will prepare you for communication.
*The various communication techniques.
*How to communicate with them!
Soul Secrets is mainly about the Team concept but it also covers additional important spiritual topics that will help you view your life from the perspective of your soul and not your mind. This is an important spiritual perspective that will change and improve your life.
Soul Secrets is a profound, beautiful and mesmerizing spiritual guide written by the incredibly talented, Miki Jacobs whose words will delight and entertain readers from start to finish. Miki Jacobs throughout her book takes her readers on an unforgettable journey which will move, delight and inspire its readers in many ways. As I read Soul Secrets, I felt moved as well as charmed and educated thanks to the incredible words and wisdom laced throughout the book as well as Miki’s charming literature. If you are a reader who is fascinated by Angels and Spirits and how they can guide you in your life, then Soul Secrets is for you! However, if you need more convincing then continue to read to learn more about this gem of a book!
Soul Secrets is a unique book that is unlike anything I have read before. I have read books that involve spiritual guides however the books in question have never informed the reader on how to communicate with them! Most of these books say it can only be done by those that are mediums and who have been born with the gift, but Miki Jacobs throughout her enlightening book will show readers that you, even if you are not a medium can communicate with Angels and your Spirit guide… how wonderful is that! Miki will take her readers on an incredible journey and on that journey she will teach her readers on how to communicate with the Angels and Spirits that follow and guide you. When the reader learns to do this the reader will find their life improving and finding the stresses of the modern day lifted thanks to the communication, and their wonderful guidance and this book lovers is the premise of this breath-taking book.
Miki Jacobs’ story is sensational, and unlike anything, I have read before. Miki throughout her book will share her experiences and her emotions and all her wisdom honestly, and the result is exceptional. I am amazed by Miki’s story and think she is an incredible woman for deciding to share her knowledge with all readers so that they can be informed and have their life improved. Many readers I believe, think that they can’t communicate with Angels or your spirit guide because you have to be born a medium, but throughout Soul Secrets, Miki will inform her readers that you do not need to be a medium and that is really beautiful and will definitely help many readers from all over the world.
Not only is Miki Jacobs fantastic for her exceptional abilities but she is also incredible for her phenomenal literature and how breath-taking it is. The literature courtesy of Miki is flawless and will flow beautifully throughout from beginning to end. If you are a reader who adores this genre, then you will love this book. As the book is genuinely magnificent, I have no choice but to award it five stars so please, read this book and be enlightened! Be sure to have a read of the preview below book lovers and also keep an eye out for my spotlight for Miki Jacobs which will be live next week!
Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much, I love discussing wonderful books with all of you so please comment below and let me know your thoughts on Soul Secrets. Do you see yourself reading this book? Do you love the genre? Please let me know your brilliant thoughts below and I will be sure to comment back. Thank you so much again for reading!
P.S. Here is a preview of the book for all of you lovely readers to enjoy! Please have a read of the preview and if you find that you have loved what you have read then all you need to do is click the Buy on Amazon button and it will take you straight to the book on Amazon U.S.! If you are in the U.K. then below I have attached a link to the book for Amazon U.K..
Below I have attached some links about the author and this wonderful book so if you would like to learn more about the author and the book then please have a browse. Thank you so much again for reading book lovers, I can’t wait to read your thoughts on this book!
Aimee Ann
Author Spotlight
Miki Jacobs, Author Spotlight
Soul Secrets
June 19, 2018
Hello book lovers! Today is a day where I will be writing another author spotlight for a well-accomplished author whose work I have loved. As you know book lovers I love learning about authors and the inspiration behind their work, it fascinates me and adds to the depth of the book because the reader will be able to better understand it. That is how the author spotlights were created because I soon discovered that you lovely readers ALSO love learning about author’s, so I am excited to tell you a little bit more about author Miki Jacobs whose book Soul Secrets transfixed me from beginning to end. I personally would recommend this book to all of those that love being taken on a spiritual journey but really the book can be read by anybody as it is flawlessly written and highly enjoyable. With today’s author spotlight for Miki Jacobs, a biography of the author and an interview between me and Miki Jacobs will be shared, and I hope that you book lovers enjoy reading it! To kick this off here is an author bio about the wonderful Miki Jacobs!
Miki Jacobs is a psychic, medium, spiritual teacher, and author. She was born in Israel, and grew up in a conservative Jewish home. She served as a Sergeant in the Israeli army for three years before moving to the United States and starting a business she owned for eighteen years. It was during her time in the business world that her abilities and interest in spirituality rather than religion began to emerge. Both of these defining experiences have had an impact on her spiritual journey.
Interestingly, Miki discovered her gift of communicating with the Spirit World later in her life. These abilities began to emerge in her early 30’s. Miki has lessons and guidance for those who do not believe they can connect with the Spirit World because they were not “born” with it.
Through her work, Miki teaches people that like her, every human being has the capability within them to raise their vibration to that of the spirits and shows them in a step-by-step manner how to awaken these skills.
Miki also has created her unique spiritual concept of the “TEAM” which is a group of spirits that each of us has. Our Team includes the Archangels, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and a Departed Loved One, that surround us throughout our Earthly journey. They are ready to protect, support, and guide us in our everyday lives from birth until death. To compliment her teaching of this concept Miki has authored her most recent book: “Soul Secrets; A Spiritual Guidebook to your Team- Angels, Spirit Guides, and Departed Loved Ones”.
Miki has a powerful connection with spirit. She is able to connect in an instant, which provides her with immediate access to information that allows her to get to the root cause of issues. As a psychic, Miki connects people to their “Team” in the Spirit World and conveys to people helpful and transforming messages about their life and their journey on Earth. As a medium, Miki connects people to their departed loved ones and channels amazing messages of love and hope that prove the continuation of the soul beyond death.
In her work as a psychic, medium, and a spiritual teacher, Miki has given hundreds of amazing readings to clients both in her office as well as over the phone to people around the world. She also present workshops, Lectures, and group readings in the U.S and Israel.
Now, how wonderful does Miki Jacobs sound?! Miki Jacobs is a truly exceptional writer and I hope that you lovely readers have a read of Miki Jacobs work because you will not regret it! Please see below an interview between me and Miki Jacobs, I hope that you enjoy Miki Jacobs answers to my questions, they are incredible and provide some great advice too!
In your own words could you please tell us about your book and what inspired you to write your book
My book “Soul Secrets – A Spiritual Guidebook to Your Team – Angels, Spirit Guides, and Departed Loved Ones” is mainly about the concept of our Team, which refers to a group of spirits that accompany us throughout our lives on earth. The book describe in details who are our Team members, each of their unique purpose in our lives, how to use their guidance, and how we can train ourselves to communicate with them.
When I was writing the book, It was important for me to convey few other important spiritual messages. One, that we do not need to be “born” a medium to communicate with spirits, and like myself, we can train ourselves how to do that at any point in our lives. And two, that we don’t die! Our soul continues on beyond the death of our physical body.
In relation to those messages, the book also covers various topics such as incarnation, Karma, Soul mates and Freewill in order to better help the readers understand the messages that I wanted to convey.
What inspired me to write the book:
My book was inspired by my own experiences and by my work with people.
First, I wanted to share with people my unique path from growing up in a Jewish religious home and serving in the Israeli army to spirituality. I was hoping that by sharing my story I will encourage people to pursue their own authentic purpose and passion regardless of their background, upbringing, and culture.
The messages I convey in my book were inspired by the recognition that despite the harshness of this planet, the challenges, fears and loneliness that a lot of people experience, we are are never alone! We are supported, guarded, loved, and fiercely protected by a group of spirits that accompany each one of us from birth till death! Also, because I was in my early 30’s when I trained myself how to communicate with spirits, I concluded that with the right knowledge and consistent spiritual work, like myself, anyone can do it. Essentially, my book teaches people that we are all mediums!
Finally, I have a deep compassion for people who are confused or are effected by dying, death, the loss of a loved ones, or by grief. My hope was that through my book I can help the readers believe that we do not die! It was important for me to inform and teach the readers about dying and death, the afterlife, their loved ones in spirit, the spirit world, and the concept of our immortals souls continue on beyond death of our physical bodies.
What would your advice be for aspiring writers?
Write a subjects or topics that you are passionate about! If you are teaching something through your book, make it easy to understand and simple to practice. Also, write the book from your heart and be authentic as I believe that it is very easy for the readers to sense that! Beside, writing a book takes time and effort, and so when you write about something that you really want to share with the world, love, and care about it will make the process much easier.
In your opinion, what is the most important thing about a book?
The teachings and the exercises in my book are easy to follow, understand, and practice. It is also a “make you feel good and loved” kind of a book, help your spiritual growth, and help you view your life from the respective of your true self; a multidimensional immortal being!
Lastly, when can we readers expect to read more wonderful books from you?
Although I have a wonderful idea for a second spiritual book, since English is my second languish, it make writing a bit more difficult for me. Therefore, I would need my schedule to allow me some more free time before I commit to writing it. However it won’t be too long!
Its official book lovers, I am obsessed with Miki Jacobs! If you have liked what you have read about Miki Jacobs and are interested in learning more about Miki Jacobs and reading Miki Jacobs work, then please do have a browse of the links below and be sure to have a read of the preview too! You will not regret it.
Goodbye for now book lovers,
Aimee Ann
View Original Post Here
Review Rating: 5 stars!
Readers’ Favorite Review of “Soul Secrets” 02/15/2015- Original review can be seen HERE |
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Becca Chopra’s Review of “Soul Secrets” 02/25/2015 – Original review can be seen HERE |
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Q & A
Becca: What is the main message you would like readers to take away from your book?
Miki: There are actually three main messages. First I want people to know that despite the harshness of their lives, and the feeling of loneliness, they are never alone. I want them to know that they are surrounded by a powerful and wise “Team” of spirits who guide, support, and protect them at every moment. Second, in my book I teach that anyone can learn how to communicate with their Team, and with spirit in general, at any point in their lives. And finally, through my book, I am trying to help the readers shift their perspective on their lives to that of their souls and not their mind. A very crucial perspective on our lives on Earth.
Becca: How did you learn that we incarnate with a blueprint or soul plan for each specific lifetime? Through your Team or other spiritual teachers?
Miki: All the information in my book, including the spiritual concept of the incarnation blue print, is channeled from my Team and from other spirits who came thorough in readings and my daily meditation sessions.
Becca: Why are we born with an Ego Entity as part of our blueprint?
Miki: Despite the destructive and obnoxious nature of our Ego Entity, it has a major role in our overall growth and progress in each specific incarnation on Earth. This is because the Ego entity is supposed to encourage us toward change and spiritual growth once we recognize the outcome of its negative influence on our lives. The Ego Entity also can be used a “gauge” for evaluating and correcting our spiritual path. I often refer to the Ego Entity as “the opponent”.
Becca: You mention that when we allow our Ego to influence us to engage in negative actions, the dense negative energy can block the crown chakra and our connection with our Team. What do you recommend to open the crown chakra?
Miki: Discipline the ego and manage the ego. Recognize its influence and do the opposite of what it wants. Count to ten before reacting. Align with the higher self and don’t act on the Ego Entity’s temptation and influence. When you are able to ignore the Ego and act from the perspective of your higher self, you will clear up the negative energy and open up your crown chakra.
Becca: Is it possible to become an Ego-less human being?
Miki: While on Earth, this is not possible. The ego is a component of who we are when we incarnate as human beings. But it can, and should be controlled and disciplined. It is an integral part of our spiritual journey on Earth. If we were to became ego-less, we would not have any more lessons to learn on this planet.
Becca: You offer very helpful tips for meditation. What would you say is the most useful tip to quiet the mind and connect with your Team?
Miki: Take the focus off of the conscious mind by using other senses. By listening, feeling the inner body energy field, or by focusing on your breathing to name a few. The mind cannot hold two loci of attention at the same time and will be quieted by selecting the one sense or sensation as the one that you chose to focus on.
Becca: What is the major benefit of being able to channel your Team?
Miki: You can gain the benefit of their guidance and use it in your life. Our main purpose from being here is to spiritually grow and they are right here, all the time, to help us do so!
Becca: If our life’s blueprint is pre-ordained, how do we manifest something we want in life?
Miki: Only the major events are preplanned. Like gender, race, country of birth, time in which you are incarnating, significant people, etc. It is a framework for your incarnation but everything in between is available for you to manifest. The pre conditions are just that and are created by your higher self, your soul, to set up the circumstances for your greatest growth.
Becca: Can you explain how you send remote healing energy to someone/thing in need?
Miki: Energy is not bound by time or space and the intention can be sent anywhere at anytime with focus and intention.
Becca: How can you tell if the voice in your head telling you “Don’t get on that plane” is intuition from your higher self or Team, or the voice of fear?
Miki: The more you practice channeling your Team, aligning with your higher self, and trusting the intuition, you will become more familiar with the way “real messages” sound and feel as opposed to your inner voice. The biggest distinction between the two is that messages from your Team will always be positive and encouraging in nature regardless of the information, while your inner voice will always be accompanied with some negativity like fear.
Becca: What recommendations do you have for first-time writers who want to share their knowledge?
Miki: Be authentic and true to yourself, your knowledge, and others. Hold the intention of helping others with the knowledge that you have gained through your own experience and the writing will just flow. Also, you must discipline yourself and make your writing a habit. Otherwise you can easily become distracted and never finish your project.
For more information, visit
Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life and The Chakra Energy Diet
Here is an independent blogger’s review from Mary Summers at; read it in full here:
Thank you Mary for the kind words!
“I must admit – over the years I have been amazed at where my life events have taken me. I have been challenged, down, up, and opened. I have discovered new things and questioned old, but I have always known it is part of my “life’s journey.” It really is a beautiful circle. Maybe that is why I connect so much with travel – it just reinstates how many magical things there are yet to see or connect with in the world! One book in particular which I have fallen in love with is Soul Secrets by Miki Jacobs. Trust me – I know this book probably isn’t for everyone but it was one of the first times I have read a book where I go, “Wow, this book is exactly what I need, at this exact time (all part of the plan).”
Available now!
Signed copies still available. Make a note in the paypal comments that you would like your copy signed.
$16.99 + $2.99 Shipping in the U.S.
Paperback: 230 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (June 3, 2015)
Language: English
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Signed Copies
Paperback available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and directly from the publisher.
Also Available for the Kindle and the Nook
Use these links:
Three Minute Wisdoms contains ten spiritual principles that will help you align with the energy of your soul. Once you are ONE with your soul, you can activate its great power and immense wisdom and use it in your daily life. Aligning with your soul will also improve your well being and your life in general, as well as contribute to your overall spiritual growth and awareness. Of course all you need to do is try your best to practice each one of those ten principles every day.
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-Clayton Jacobs
Spoken Word CD
As a medium Miki made it her mission to transfer the spirit worlds message that we
humans are never alone and are literally surrounded by powerful divine helpers who
like to be called our “Team”. Our “Team’s” sole purpose is to help and guide us
throughout our Earthly life to assist in our spiritual growth. Our “Team” consists of
many beings in the spirit world, including Archangels, Guardian Angels, Spirit
Guides, and departed loved ones. On This CD Miki will provide detailed description
of each member of our divine team, how to get to know them, and how to enrich your
life by bringing in your “Team”.
Running time 1 hour
Guided Meditation CD
Take some peaceful time for yourself with this guided meditation CD and rediscover
your spiritual team on the other side. Your Archangels, Guardian Angels, and Spirit
Guides are waiting excitedly for you to call on them and spend some time together in
a beautiful, shared meditation space. This disk will guide you to meditative mindscape
where you will find your team waiting to connect with you, give you support, and
express their unconditional love to help you on your journey through this life.
Running time 30 min.