The influence of the collective energy on our personal lives
At the moment, life on our planet is harsh and difficult. As a result, we project the energy of our fears, frustration, and negativity into the collective energy of humanity. This “heavy” collective energy then, surrounds our planet which in return influences our daily life. Essentially, we are activating the law of attraction. Meaning; we get what we project!
How does this negative cycle effect us:
We can feel hopeless and tend to be looking at our lives, and the world, with a “cup half empty” attitude. We can feel dreadful, stuck, depressed, “down”, or constantly tired and sluggish. A lot of people truly believe that the end of the world is coming, a major war is inevitable, some contiguous new disease, or a natural disaster will wipe us all out, and I even hear the scenario from people that are truly convinced that aliens will invade Earth.
Also, a lot of people appear to have their memory effected. People often tell me that they forget things from moment to moment, or forget certain words in the middle of a conversation. They say that their mind is scattered and they are unable to focus! Sadly, people, of all ages, are afraid or even convinced that they are developing dementia or Alzheimer’s. A lot of people are also experiencing various bizarre symptoms in their body that can not be detected nor explained by western medicine tests or doctors. This is because it is NOT their bodies, it is the energy that influences their body!
They are experiencing a dis-ease not a disease!
Why do we create this negative cycle?
Now, there are many legitimate reasons as to why life on Earth is so harsh. First and foremost, from the perspective of our souls, this school-like dimension is supposed to be harsh and difficult so that our soul can learn and grow, which is the only reason why we are here to begin with. However, we are more talking about the harshness, the difficulties, and the negativities that we are creating for ourselves!
The main spiritual reason for that is because we are not united or connected! For the most part, generally speaking, we are not tolerant of one another. People often mock, exclude, judge, let alone, act kind or nice to someone that is different from them. Some people rarely even listen to an opinion, belief, or perspective that is different from their own and more so can get angry and lash out at the other person that “can not see that I’m right”…
So, how do we fix it?
We need to go back to the base!
We need to grow spiritually so that we can recall who we really are. An energy being, immortal, multidimensional loving soul that are here to grow and learn, and love one another in the process!
We must also understand that we actually need each other to survive and thrive and all our differences are actually a blessing in disguise! Remember, we, “our souls”, chose to come here different. It is a part of the “incarnation package” that helps us grow individually and help our species to survive collectively.
We are meant to have different upbringing, cultures, race, looks, opinions, views, perspectives, beliefs systems, genders, and good and bad traits!
So in order to go back to the base, you need to meditate so that even for a short time you can quiet your mind, disconnect from your life, and connect to your soul and to spirits. You need to pray, read spiritual books, listen to spiritual teachings, gather spiritual information, go to spiritual events, and do everything in you power to awaken your memory of who you really are! The only way for you to overcome your negative ego and all its ugly masks is to awaken your soul! Nothing else will work!
For the most part, subconsciously and spiritually, we know we are all one, all the same, created by the one and only source; yet, nowadays, we appear to have forgotten it completely!
So lets wake up!
Good luck,
Much love to you all, ?
Sept 2019