We are immensely loved by many spirits that can help us achieve that which we want in life. Creating a miracle list is an effective way to strengthen the energy of our requests, and help speed up the process of granting them.
There are few important rules that you need to remember when you create your miracle list in order to make it more effective!
1. Write down everything that you want in life, be as specific as you possibly can! Put as many details as you need.
Ask for help in your day to day life: a new job/career, a promotion/more money, a life partner, new home, better health, and so forth. Also ask spirits to help you overcome your Ego’s weaknesses: your anger, frustration, worry, jealousy, envy…
2. Stay realistic with your miracle list expectations!
When you ask for more money, for example, it is important to write down a realistic figure that you would like to earn. Asking spirit for a million dollars by the end of next month for example, possible perhaps, yet not that realistic…
3. Do not apply any specific time frame for your miracles to be granted!
You can ask to achieve some of your miracle list item in few months or so, and other by the end of this year, but not in a specific day/month. Miracles have their own divine timing and spirits know when to deliver them.
4. Don’t tell spirits how to do their job and in which ways to deliver your miracle!
Be open for spirits to do their magic without too many conditions.
Obviously you need to make sure your do the “leg work” first such as send out resumes when you are looking for a new job, search for possible homes where you would like to move…but then, let it go…
5. In order to “feed” your list, energetically speaking, every day, read your list twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening.
If you realize that you need to fix, change, or add things to the list, do! Do it until you are completely satisfied with it.
6. Not only visualize your miracle list granted, but also sense the feeling that you will have when you get that new job, meet the new life partner, or move to a better home.
7. You can teach others about the concept of miracle list but do not share yours with them. Sharing and talking about it will weaken the energy.
This is your life your journey, keep it to yourself.
8. Fully and authentically believe in miracles, but more importantly in the beautiful powerful spirits that will help grant them!
Good Luck!
Much love to you all ?