In my teaching, a repeated message from our spirit guides is about the importance of a balanced life, which most of us today, do not have!
Work: If your job is demanding, draining, or consuming a lot of hours, you must train yourself to detach in your down time, when you are away from work, like in the evenings and weekends. That includes internally as well. This means not thinking or worrying about your work/your job, and externally, this means not checking emails or actively working if what you are doing can wait until you go back. Otherwise, if you are not sufficient disconnected and are anxiously anticipating going back to work, you will not give your system enough time to energetically recharge. Not detaching from work can also mean that you are compromising your emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies which then leave you exhausted, depleted, frustrated, and grumpy!
Family: You must find time, tend to, work on, and nurture all the members of your family; your kids and your life partner, equally! When couples have children, they tent to create an imbalanced life where they put most of the care/attention into the children and forget their partner. That of course creates an energetically distant relationship that with time can create a complete disconnection.
So tent to your partner by creating date nights, candle light dinners, and other fun loving activities where you are together, alone, and without the children! Also, remember, your children, at any age, can energetically sense when their parents are disconnected and unhappy as opposed to when they are connected and loving.
Besides, happy parents = happy children!
Self: Within a properly balanced life, you can never, ever forget you!
Balance your life in a way that no matter how busy you are in your job, your family life, your challenges, or even consumed with your or others health issues, you must find time for “you to be with you”!
You need to reserve time where you have dates with yourself! Go out to eat, have a short or long drive/road trip, stay in a hotel for a night, get a massage, a facial, have a spa day, etc. Being by yourself, even for a short period of time can help you to recharge your batteries, disconnect from “life”, get a better perspective on things, and reconnect to your true beautiful self! Also, create balance and harmony in your mind, body and spirit. Mind refers to find ways that help you to quiet your busy active thinking and worrying. Body means that you do your best to nurture your body, with a good life style and internal acceptance of how your body is, appearance wise, age or abilities. Spirit, refers to continuously learning and engaging in spirituality, such as reading spiritual or self-help books, going to spiritual events and retreats, meditating, etc. Engaging in spirituality, in a consistent manner, will not only add to your spiritual knowledge and abilities, but more importantly will help to awaken your memory of who you really are: a multidimensional, immortal, powerful energy being that is powerful and wise beyond limits!
Good luck!
Much love to you all??