The Power of Acceptance
When we go through life’s difficult challenges, we often tend to resist the experience. We become unhappy, negative and fearful. We even feel “unlucky” and angry as to why this is happening to us… We wish things
were different, less complicated, and easier. When we have that negative reaction, we tense up and become energetically heavy which causes us to
become ungrounded and disconnected from spirits, and therefore from their guidance, help, and support!
If we train ourselves to look at our life’s challenges and difficulties from a spiritual perspective, meaning the preservative of our soul’s growth, we are able to more easily go through them because acceptance is
the ability to “go with the flow”, when things are fairly calm, and more so, when life is difficult! Also, when we do that, when we let go and practice acceptance of what is going on, we energetically become lighter which enables us to more easily align ourselves with the wisdom of our
souls, our Spirit Guides, and our Angels.
In order to practice acceptance, we must first understand that our difficult challenges, and experiences have a much deeper meaning than our mind’s interpretation. That is because the mind bases it’s reality on the five senses and sees very little to nothing of the “bigger picture” of our soul’s purpose on Earth. This means, that from the perspective of our mind, difficult experiences, challenging relationships, and even tragic events, are bad, unwanted, and unnecessary, and often are misunderstood as to why they even occur. If we identify with our mind, we tend to fight, resist, ignore, hide from, or try to control the unpleasant experience.
Conversely, from the perspective of our soul, all our lives experiences, the good, the bad, and the ugly, in whatever shape or form; the ones that make sense and the ones that don’t, always generate a vital part for our spiritual growth! And so while it is important that we bravely and gracefully face all our experiences that life throws our way, we must try to accept “what is” and surrender and release any rigid expectation as to when, and in what ways, the outcome of things should be!
Accept your troubling situations, you are safe and secure, and of course, always immensely loved!
Good luck!
Much love to you all,
FEB. 2019